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Quebec Logan, Writer, Director, Character Designer

My name is Quebec Logan. I am a multi platform artist with specialties in animation, live-action, and music. I write, direct, design, and all around create to express my true self to the world for all who are interested. 


 I earned my animation degree from The School of Visual Arts in 2016, but have been perfecting my craft since long before then, studying other artists works and creating my own worlds after being inspired by them. When not working on my own projects I take on many clients, from individual commissions of varying scale to more professional pursuits, as I did with The Black Bald Men, WinMore Productions, Connected Guided Consciousness Entertainment, and The Power Within the Seed, to name a few. 


As a creative in different mediums I go by many names. But the one I was born with tends to stick with people most. I'm a professional, I'm confident, and I'm good at what I do. If you'd like to contact me to collaborate, please email at


Until then, enjoy your stay, and be well.

Thank You!

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